Design & innovation, to me, are akin to poetry. It's a quest for exploration, to unveil mysteries beyond, to question assumptions, and to perceive things differently. We manifest novelty, wonder and beauty. We are creating possibility. Isn’t it radically human?

Copyright © 2023 Kasra Ghavidel

Extensive experience

With over 8 years of design experience in both academic and professional settings, I have applied human-centered design principles to a wide variety of contexts, from urban spaces to digital experiences. My professional background includes working at a highly-regarded design studio, 3 startups, and a corporation with extensive user base exceeding 40 million, as well as operating as a freelance designer.

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Strategic, Holistic, Experimental

Rather than viewing design solely as a matter of visual aesthetics or engineering, I adopt a systems thinking mindset that recognizes the importance of integrating functional, economic, emotional, and social benefits into a cohesive whole. I begin each project by thoroughly assessing the problem, analyzing the larger context, and identifying potential opportunities. From there, I strive to create solutions that are not only strategic and meaningful, but also innovative and experimental.

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As a human-centered designer, I firmly hold the belief that gaining a deep understanding of people and communities is paramount. This includes delving into their subconscious motivations, as merely observing their actions without comprehending the underlying drivers would limit our effectiveness and our ability to generate innovative solutions. To achieve this, I have invested a significant amount of time studying the foundations of psychology and philosophy in addition to developing my design skills.

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Case Studies

Within this section, I present a curated collection of my projects that embody my mindset and skills as a design/innovation practitioner. These projects reflect my creative approach, problem-finding / problem-solving abilities, and dedication to delivering simple but authentic results.

Navigating Medicine Scarcity — A Personal Assistant for Locating Rare Medications in Tehran

2021, Balad: Maps & Navigation

Type: Innovation, Product Design

Role: Product Designer (IC)

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From Episodes to Experiences — Helping “Dasten-e-Shab” Expand Horizons

2020, Dastan-e-Shab: Podcast

Type: Product Design, Visual Identity

Role: Creative Director, Designer, Researcher

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Visualizing Ease — Crafting nPay’s Digital Wallet Visual Identity and User Interface

2019, nPay: Payment Methods

Type: User Interface, Visual Identity

Role: Creative Director, Designer

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Will Design Save Tehran? — A Speculative Design Exploration for Future Challenges

2019, Future City Innovation Lab

Type: Speculative Design, Workshop

Role: Co-Instructor

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